Hate Crime Awareness Week
Hate Crime Awareness Week: A blog from Lionel Idan, CCP for London South | The Crown Prosecution Service view his blog here
Read more...Staff from Victim Support Warwickshire recently attended a Hate Crime Awareness Workshop delivered by the Equality and Inclusion Partnership (EQuIP).
The workshop was held at the Nuneaton Justice Centre and covered recent trends in hate crime, underreporting of hate crime and barriers to reporting.
Although Victim Support deal with victims of hate crime on a daily basis, the training enabled their staff to view hate crime from a community prespective.
The content explored hundreds of unreported cases that were identifed in some research conducted by EQuIP and this insight was useful in exploring the types of hate crimes that occur in Warwickshire and the multiple reasons why people do not report.
Benji Evans, one of the tutors from EQuIP commented 'The hate crime workshop with Victim Support was slightly different to other sessions we have delivered. Victim Support already have a great understanding of hate crime, so the workshop focused more the unreported hate crimes that emerged in our research, looking at current trends in terms of types of hate crime, environments and areas of Warwickshire most vulnerable to hate crimes and we also explored various projects being develop to help tackle hate crimes in the county'.
EQuIP have been delivering Hate Crime Awareness Training since November 2017 and hundreds of people across Warwickshire have benefited.
EQuIP have planned to deliver further hate crime training/workshops for charity workers and community volunteers in all five districts and boroughs in Warwickshire.
Further training dates are currently available on the 'training section' of www.reporthatenow.com: https://www.reporthatenow.com/training.
The training is an effective way to raise awareness for people to define hate crime so they are enable to clearly identify hate crimes/incidents when it occurs and they will know exactly how and where to report it.
The training also explores the different types of hate crimes/incidents, the impact hate crime can have on the victims, barriers to reporting and the importance of reporting.
For further information regarding Hate Crime Awareness Training, please contact info@equipequality.org.uk or telephone EQuIP on 01788 863117 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm).
Hate Crime Awareness Week: A blog from Lionel Idan, CCP for London South | The Crown Prosecution Service view his blog here
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